Home & Garden


The Six Coast Soil Original Blend is an all-natural & organic potting soil, custom blended as an all-purpose potting soil that will thrive indoors or outdoors. The Original Blend can easily be used as a natural & organic alternative for your annuals and perennials for patio gardening in planting boxes and containers.

The Original Blend is excellent for Cannabis Cultivators, greenhouses, fruit growers, organic vegetable growers, and those that require high-quality soil for their preferred growing needs.

Soil is the natural source of nutrients for plants. So, the health of the plant depends upon the quality of the soil, which is the critical foundation for a successful bloom and harvest. We will provide you with a ready to use potting soil for your pots, containers, and raised beds; additionally, it can be used as a soil amendment to your existing planting areas. Your Herbs, vegetables, fruits, and flowering plants will love their Original Blend foundation. Unlike the soil in a garden bed, potting soil doesn’t contain soil in the traditional composition of sand, clay, and silt.

We give you the best ingredients, holding true to our high and consistent standards, to provide you with the best foundation for your plants. With proper care, your raised beds, container garden or potted garden will reach levels of abundance that will please your green or not-so-green thumb. The addition of BioChar charges the compost to increase the biological activity and multiplies its lifespan. Our worm castings contain natural minerals that will enrich the foundation, provide natural aeration in the soil, assists in water retention, and promotes a healthy and stable root base to get your seeds and plants off to a phenomenal start. Coconut Coir Fiber is the key to noticeable water retention and helps decrease your daily watering exponentially. These key ingredients in combination with the other all-natural and organic components will surely make your garden flourish which will lead to a healthy harvest of fruit, vegetables, herbs, and flowers. This is not a water-only blend. The need for additional nutrients will vary with plant type, growing atmosphere, and watering frequency.

For cannabis plants, we recommend nutrient addition around 21-23 days.